Grade Exams 2024

We are so excited to offer CLRG grade exams preliminary through grade 12 on Sunday February 25th, 2024 at our studio with a senior grade examiner. We will confirm the examiner once applications for grade 11 and 12 are complete.
Applications for grades 11 and 12 are due by December 10, 2023, and should be returned to The application for grade 11 can be found here, and the application for grade 12 can be found here. Candidates waiting on their grade 11 results may still apply to complete grade 12. Please make a note in your application indicating you are waiting. In addition to your form, you must upload images of your certificates and marking sheets for all previous grades. The entire form and images must be saved as one file in PDF format as is required by the CLRG.
Candidates interested in preliminary through grade 10 should remember to bring their certificates and comment sheets for all previous exams taken to exam day. There is no form nor requirement to send a PDF file. Applications for the preliminary grade through grade ten must be complete by January 31st, 2024. Remember that while the preliminary grade is optional, all grades must be completed in sequence starting with grade 1.
We ask that you make payment via credit card through our registration process. If fees are not paid by February 1st, 2024, OIDC reserves the right to release your place to another participant.
Please email the school at if you have any questions or concerns. The full syllabus for grade exams can be found at the following link.